viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

The War Z

What is The War Z?

The War Z is a survival MMO with zombies, developed by Hammerpoint Interactive for PC. You will be in a big map which main mission will be to survive, not only against zombies but against anothers players as well. It is still a developing game, other maps, skills, weapons, new zombies and new areas will come in the next months. 

What is about the story?

You just have to survive, it won't be as easy as you could think. You will have five characters to play on the server you want to gain experience. Do you think you are able to survive playing for 2 hours? Try it. 

"It's been five years since the outbreak; leaving in its wake a post-apocalyptic nightmare with ninety-five percent of the human population gone. In order to stay alive, you will need food, weapons, and other supplies. Some of you will be able to scavenge as you navigate the terrain, others will be forced to fight for survival as you encounter zombies and other players. Every decision will have an impact on whether you live or how quickly you die." -The War Z

What can you do in War Z?

The question is not what can you do, the question is what do you need to survive, first of all, you'll need food, some drink, medicines, and of course weapons, the more powerfull the weapon will be, the better. You can pick all this stuff in markets, police stations, fire stations, houses... But also, you can catch it from other players, killing them (yes, if you die or kill another player, all your/him stuff might be lose) or trading with them the items you want.

How is the game? (My opinion)

The game as I said is still in a developing time. They still have a long way to reach the game that the first customers thought it would be.

The War Z is using a game engine called Eclipse 2.5, although the results are not well done, the game runs fluid, it's able to support more than 100 players per server (map).
The combat system is very basic when you are going to attack anything with a knife, hammer... with poors animations, however, guns, rifles, etc are quite well, so undoubtelly you will choose this kind of weapons.
The skills you might choose are few, but this really doesn't matter, due to the most important will be your skills to survive.
Also you have two modes of playing the game, normal mode, and hardcore mode which you have to choose when you create a new character. On normal mode when you die need to wait  1 hour to revive your character, without loosing your experience, nonetheless, if you are playing in hardcore mode, if you die, you have to delete that character, no option to revive, loosing all the items and the experience of that character.

Downside is that I think they released the game too soon, usually people thought that this game would be a PvE game with a little PvP, but not, it is mainly PvP, and due to some people use hacks (they are banning them continuosly), is a big problem. And like Counter Strike, you think see hackers everywhere, although this is not so.

So The War Z can bring you a lot of hours of fun if what you like are the survival games. The only time limit you will have, will be yours hours of fun and of course yours skills. I will encourage you to watch some gameplays and to play it if you think this game might be for you!

Qualification: 7,2


Internet connection needed.

Important links:

Official web

The map

System requirements:

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